Tag Archives: Angels Help

Angelic Inspiration


Once, when Mike and I took some time off to visit Pike Place Market and the Aquarium in Seattle, WA, I really wasn’t thinking about angels at all, when I suddenly beheld several beatific, luminescent angels floating above me. The scene was incredibly beautiful and comforting and I realized that though I hadn’t been thinking about angels at all that day, they had not forgotten me. I felt happy, blessed–and very protected.

Their coming into my consciousness the way they did that day helped to Continue reading

Professional Psychic Angel Reader


The following is a true story about my first day as an Angel Reader, and how things that looked bad at first ended up being wonderful, thanks to the Angels! Continue reading

Angels Help Achieve Goals


Angels reveal that a major step in accomplishing your worthwhile goals is to ask Spirit for assistance. “Ask and ye shall receive…” But before you can ask for what you want, you’ve got to know what you want first. How can you prepare to ask for assistance?

So right now, imagine… What is it that you really want? Is it a wonderful relationship, a great job, a comfortable lifestyle, a strong feeling of purpose? You need to identify it if you want to receive it.

Chances are you have at least some idea of what you want, but it helps if you can be specific. Angels want to bring you what you want Continue reading

Darkside Influence


Many people believe in and revere Angels. But oftentimes the bad angels, or darkside have greater influence on us than the Good Angels do. The influence of the darkside is subtle, but powerful. Continue reading

Creation of Angels


Angels were created by God before other things in Creation were brought into being. That’s the information I received from Archangel Michael. He says that in the beginning, God was all that was in the universe, and that eventually… Continue reading

Recognizing Angels


There are a few ways that you can recognize the presence of Angels…Sometimes an angel will make a sudden appearance when you’re going through a period of sadness, like when a close friend or relative dies and you feel distraught. Continue reading

Angel Protection


Are there demons on earth?
Many demons have incarnated as humans. Some of them know they are demons. Others do not. One of the reasons they are in a human body is because Spirit has given them another chance to redeem themselves. Unfortunately, most of them do not Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Misconceptions


What are the misconceptions about Incarnated Angels, and what are the things Incarnated Angels themselves don’t understand about who they are? Continue reading

Receive Angels Help


We are living in a time of change. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to keep track. In fact, lately, even very spiritual people are so seriously challenged by all the changes in our daily lives, we sometimes wonder, “What’s up?” For this reason, now more than ever, we need the help of angels in our lives. But how do we allow them to help us? Continue reading