Finding Inner Peace In A World Of Chaos
“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” – Images BlogSpot
Many people who come across my writings about Incarnated Angels recognize themselves as Incarnated Angels. Does this apply to you? Of course, there is no coincidence that you have found my site. As the great Edgar Cayce said many decades ago…
“There is no such thing as a coincidence.”
This is because God is always in control, and if you’ve found my site, and have read any of my articles, your coming here was meant to happen.
Why have you found my site and these articles?
You have found me in order to bring you pause, and to see yourself and your entire life in a different light. It is so you can understand yourself and your life from a different perspective—to give you peace.
While it is difficult to be an Incarnated Angel here on this earth, when you make yourself willing to step into your true role as a bringer of truth, and a worker for God, you will feel infinitely rewarded.
Anyone, whether Incarnated Angel, or an Angelically inspired human, who stands in truth bravely and unashamedly, gets instant blessings. Either way, Incarnated Angel or Angelic human, bravely standing in Truth glorifies God, and brings numerous blessings to you.
We are now living in a time when the Truth is coming to Light. For Incarnated Angels as well as truly Angelically inspired humans, this is an amazingly wonderful time to be alive. As it says in the Bible… “All lies shall be revealed.” Lately, that is exactly what is starting to happen.
I notice this in the big picture regarding the Deep State being exposed, as well as in the small picture regarding our individual lives.
Exposure of the Deep State…
For years and years and years, the Deep State and liars have managed to conceal their wrongdoings so effectively that most people were completely and utterly deceived about the evil really taking place beneath their noses. But now, the deceptions are being exposed. The great exposure and Great Awakening happening right now is so strong and powerful that nothing can stop what is coming.
In the above paragraph, I said that exposure is working in the small picture as well as in the large picture. For example, because the Incarnated Angels have been very hated by the dark side, many Incarnated Angels have been scapegoated for problems in their families, as well as various other communities they may be involved in.
For example, an Incarnated Angel may have been born into a family that is very dysfunctional. Eventually, the Incarnated Angel, as a child and/or as an adult, tries to point out the problem in order for the problem to be fixed. But this well-meaning offering of sincere observation is not well-received by others in the family who love their dysfunctionality, and in some way, are benefiting from their lies.
So what happens next? Family members marginalize the truth-teller, (Incarnated Angel), claiming that they’re stupid, crazy or lying. They attack the messenger, disregard the information, and often refuse to discuss the topic. Sometimes even cutting off the Incarnated Angel and refusing to speak with them at all. This can be devastating to the truth teller, Incarnated Angel, and leaves them in an emotional quandary.
Another iteration of the same problem is that although the Incarnated Angel is not turned away by their family, the family-members still treat the Incarnated Angel like they’re crazy. They patronize the truth-teller and try to suck them in, in order to control them. In other words, they disrespectfully gas-light the one who is trying to have honest conversations, and once again, treat them like they’re crazy.
My own experiences…
One reason I understand this phenomenon is because I’ve had instances of this in my own life. But the good news is, (and back to my point), I’ve noticed that lies from the past are no longer able to stand. At long last, the truth is finally coming out, and those who were playing the nasty game of hiding the truth in the past are beginning to look silly as their lies and deceptions are being exposed.
As the truth is coming to light, everyone is starting to realize that some of those people were judging and marginalizing the truth-telling Incarnated Angels. It is the liars themselves who will be harshly judged by God—unless they themselves admit the truth and repent.
So how can you have inner peace while all of this is occurring?
You can easily find peace by merely knowing that God is in control, and that “All things come to good for those who serve the Lord.”
Again, how can you find peace right now?
When there is sunshine, get out in the sun. Feel the rays of the sun in your face, and glorify the God who made it for all.
When you’re outside, truly enjoy the beauty of nature, and feel the joy of knowing all of it is a message to you that it’s all in Divine Order, and ultimately, everything’s going to be okay.
Be happy and joyful, and thank God for each breath, and for the life you’re now living.
As I said earlier, we are now living in extraordinary times—a time when all lies shall be revealed, and Truth will completely prevail.
Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.
We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.
Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.