ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Reincarnation

If you believe in reincarnation, and in past lives, you are not alone. 20% of the world’s population, consisting of both Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Discover how you can experience your past lives, so you can understand who you really are and enjoy this life more fully. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels and Humans

From the beginning, in 1996, when I first started doing readings at Stargazers Bookstore in Bellevue, Washington, the people who came to see me were deeply moved by the readings that I gave them. And no wonder…The angels were speaking to them and they could feel it. Their lives were being changed in a very good way. Many who had felt hopeless and distraught for years were finding the keys they needed to change their perspectives and find great hope and vision for a better future–one, which in many cases, was radically better than their past. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels and Reincarnation

While some people believe that incarnated angels started coming to the earth in the 1970’s, and that this life is actually their first life as humans, according to Archangel Michael, Incarnated Angels have had many past lives before this one. In fact, if it weren’t for good incarnated angels having influenced mankind through the ages, our world, and humankind, would already be lost. Continue reading
What is Reincarnation

Reincarnation is the belief that when the body dies, the soul lives on, and then, through the normal process of birth, comes into a new body and is born again.
If reincarnation is true, what is the purpose? Continue reading

In the eastern religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the Sikh philosophy, karma is considered to be action or deed and the results that naturally follow. One of the first laws of physics, “for every action there is a reaction”, is also the law of karma. Continue reading