How You Can Talk With The Angels Daily
If you would like the benefit of directly receiving messages from the Angels, especially in difficult times, you need to develop vibrations of love in your heart and in your aura so you can attract the equally loving vibrations from the Angels.
In order to do this, begin by choosing to be grateful for everything that is, without judgment.
This attitude of gratitude—not only for the gifts of life, but for whatever life has to offer—will open your heart and help make you ready for the Angels to directly commune with you.
From that point, you can follow the steps below:
Practical, everyday steps to help you talk with the Angels:
Start an Angel Journal
Have your journal and a pen ready before you start. Then…
First, find a quiet place, that you can use regularly, where you will not be disturbed…your place to commune with the Angels daily.
- Choose a regular time to meditate for at least a half-hour each day. This meditation will strengthen your aura and help prepare you to call in the Angels.
- Begin meditation with a prayer of protection, and ask the Angels to guide you.
- After meditation, sit quietly, asking the Angels of light to come into your life and bring you helpful messages.
- Be aware of and pay close attention to subtle thoughts and impressions that spring forth.
- Check with your heart to see whether those thoughts and impressions are coming from love.
- Write down all thoughts and impressions that come from love in your journal.
- End your session with a prayer of appreciation.
- Choose each day to actively follow the guidance you have received from the loving messages you have written in your Angel journal.
The key to communing with Angels…
If you continue the daily practice I’ve outlined, over time, you will get results. The angels are here to help you, and they want to commune with you. When you continually do your part, they will do theirs. Success will be forthcoming. Your part is to persist in practicing the steps I’ve outlined above.
Once your communion with angels begins, as long as you maintain a loving attitude, your communion will continually grow stronger. Then, through Angel insight and Angel communion, you will discover the benefits of a fuller, richer life, and you will feel more love, more joy and greater peace in your heart than ever before.
And besides all this, you will find that many problems you used to worry about will begin to work themselves through, and you will feel blessings from the Divine at work in your life.
Through Angel Readings and Spiritual Counseling, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness, no matter what is going on around you.
Would you like to discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or receive guidance for a happier more meaningful life?
Please Contact Me and call me at: (425) 741-9752