Tag Archives: Meditation

Angels Help With Goals


I am a Psychic Angel-Reader/Life Coach, and as such I assist people in obtaining their goals, many of which relate to finances and prosperity. While working with clients, angels have revealed to me that they want to help make our worthwhile desires come true, and they will do that if we take the time to know what we want, and then ask. Continue reading



The true purpose of meditation is to gain a conscious connection with the Divine. The idea is that everyone came from the infinite initially, but through the hassles of daily living, we have gotten out of touch with our true souls. Meditation is one of the ways you can get back in touch with your soul. Continue reading

Amazing Spiritual Journey


My Amazing Spiritual Journey Being an Angel Reader has been interesting, fascinating and fun. I enjoy talking to people and sharing information given to me by the Angels. I watch how this work helps so many people and changes their … Continue reading

Inner Peace In Uncertain Times


There’s no question that we’re now living in very interesting and uncertain times. As many of you will agree, things in everyone’s life changed so quickly and radically all of a sudden, that everything has become quite confusing. In spite of it all, you can gain and maintain inner peace. Continue reading

Talk With The Angels


If you would like the benefit of directly receiving messages from angels, you need to develop vibrations of love in your heart and aura so you can attract the equally loving vibrations of angels. In order to do this, begin by choosing to be grateful for everything that is, without judgment. This attitude of gratitude Continue reading

Overcome The Dark Side


The whole world is now undergoing an incredible shift. In a very brief amount of time, we have gone from what was always considered normal, into something very different and unknown. What people need to understand is… Continue reading

Spiritual Counseling


Many people whose lives have been held back by negative conditioning, can be released from their negative patterns as we work together to resolve the negative programming, and then change the programming so they can live happier, more productive lives. This is how it works… Continue reading

Expand Intuitive Skills


To begin…it’s important to realize that everyone has intuition–even if it’s latent. So right now, within yourself, just realize that you have intuition too, and that it’s quite possible to increase your ability to receive intuitive messages both from your own High Self and from the Angels above, if you’re willing to make the effort. Continue reading

Strengthen Aura


Life and all of its time schedules and challenges can be very stressful. How we deal with this stress will determine our state of mind. Today I would like to present some ideas for strengthening your aura to help you cope with the stress of life better. Continue reading

Spiritual Integrity


Spiritual Integrity consists of searching for Truth, willingness to recognize truth when it presents itself to you in its various aspects, and genuinely living Truth to the best of your ability, regardless of the opinions of others. In this way, whether you join a spiritual organization or not, you retain your individuality, and your ability and willingness to think. How can you exhibit spiritual willingness?

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Coping With Life Changes


While in the past, many of us on the side of light may not have fully recognized a dark tendency in some of the friends, relatives and associates around us, now, with all these spiritual tests going on, it is becoming so clear, we cannot miss it. Of course the angels always knew who was who and what was what, and it was only we humans in the flesh for whom it was not so clear. Now we’re seeing it too, and that realization can be heart- rending, sad or even shocking.
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Talk to the Angels


If you could talk to good angels, what would they say to you…would they tell you you’re doing great, or that you need to make some changes? If you want to commune with the angels, you need to prepare yourself, here are some ideas that will help open the lines of communication… Continue reading

Yoga and Self-Realization

Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. Still, however, there are a few who are in touch, and for these people, the deepest desire of their heart is to increase their spiritual awareness until they blissfully experience God directly in two-way dialogue. Continue reading

Seeing Angels


My mom was the first person that told me about angels. When I was little, she used to read me stories, and some of them were about beautiful angels. I loved those stories, and I always wondered if angels were real.

The first time I had a direct experience with angels was when I was a child. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Humanity


Incarnated Angels are actually good angels from on high who have incarnated into a human body for the specific purpose of helping God by doing their best to positively influence the earth and humanity…this is how important their work is… Continue reading