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ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
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Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Inspiration
Incarnated Angels Life Path

Question from client: “What I’ve personally noticed is that, like me, the other incarnated Angels I’ve spoken with don’t seem to have a particular interest in achieving goals related to worldly jobs, but rather I feel we are more left brained people. Due to this we often tend to feel useless or pointless. How would an Incarnated Angel tackle such issues? Continue reading
Importance of Dreams

People seldom realize the importance of dreams. But your dreams are very important, because, from a spiritual perspective, much of the guidance God and the Angels attempt to give you is given through the dream-state… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Dream

For those of you who are truly angels incarnate as humans –living a temporal existence on earth for the time being, I have an important message for you. Continue reading
Remembering Understanding Dreams

I absolutely love dreams, and I love helping people, within the Angel Readings that I do, understand the meaning of their dreams. Do you remember your dreams, and do you understand their meaning? Continue reading
Angelic Inspiration

Once, when Mike and I took some time off to visit Pike Place Market and the Aquarium in Seattle, WA, I really wasn’t thinking about angels at all, when I suddenly beheld several beatific, luminescent angels floating above me. The scene was incredibly beautiful and comforting and I realized that though I hadn’t been thinking about angels at all that day, they had not forgotten me. I felt happy, blessed–and very protected.
Their coming into my consciousness the way they did that day helped to Continue reading
Spiritual Integrity

Spiritual Integrity consists of searching for Truth, willingness to recognize truth when it presents itself to you in its various aspects, and genuinely living Truth to the best of your ability, regardless of the opinions of others. In this way, whether you join a spiritual organization or not, you retain your individuality, and your ability and willingness to think. How can you exhibit spiritual willingness?