ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Hypnosis

If you believe in reincarnation, and in past lives, you are not alone. 20% of the world’s population, consisting of both Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Discover how you can experience your past lives, so you can understand who you really are and enjoy this life more fully. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels and Reincarnation

While some people believe that incarnated angels started coming to the earth in the 1970’s, and that this life is actually their first life as humans, according to Archangel Michael, Incarnated Angels have had many past lives before this one. In fact, if it weren’t for good incarnated angels having influenced mankind through the ages, our world, and humankind, would already be lost. Continue reading