ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Angel Reader
Angel Reader Medium

I am in close contact with Angels of Light, and I pass these messages along to you, usually within the context of a Reading. All of my life I have received messages for family, friends, and others from the Angels. I am moved to share this important angelic message. As you read these words, you may recognize yourself and perhaps some of your friends and family as well…
Although I could not resist the push I felt to give the messages I received in dreams and meditation, I did not fully understand who these messages were from. Perhaps I should have known, because whenever the messages were given to their intended recipients, they produced so much Love and Healing. Continue reading
Angel and Human Connection

From what I have learned from Archangel Michael directly, is that angels were the first beings created by God. But once He/She decided to create humans, how did the Angels feel about it, were they all happy about this change to how they were used to living? Continue reading

I started doing Angel Readings in 1996. At that time I was the only one giving this type of reading. Because it wasn’t heard of I was invited to speak on TV, radio, and many other places giving me the opportunity to explain what my readings were like and how they could be so helpful… Continue reading
Psychics Positives vs Negatives

I have observed that many of my clients have a high level of respect for the help they have received from Psychics. Those are the ones who have had good experiences from having done so. There are those, however, who have had bad experiences. Continue reading
Seeing Angels

My mom was the first person that told me about angels. When I was little, she used to read me stories, and some of them were about beautiful angels. I loved those stories, and I always wondered if angels were real.
The first time I had a direct experience with angels was when I was a child. Continue reading