Knowledge From Angels

What The Angels Above Want Us To Know

AngelKnowledge-AngelReadingsByZARAFor those who are paying attention, the time we’re living through now is one of the most difficult times to be alive, but it’s also one of the most exciting times to be alive as well.

Why do I say this?

It’s because, as I’ve brought up before in previous articles, we’re now living through the transition period from one Age to to the next…

An Age in astrology lasts approximately 2200 years,          which, putting it mildly, at least in human terms, is a  long, long time.

Yet right now, we are actually living through the extraordinary time period when we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

What does this mean?

Among other things, it means that we are now living through a time of radical change which can’t be stopped, regardless of what anyone does.  God’s Will will be done.  Certain changes, ordained by God, will happen.

The fact that this is happening right now is one of the main reasons that many Incarnated Angels are on earth right now.

What is the job of an Incarnated Angel?

That’s a good question. Often, clients, who are Incarnated Angels, that I work with ask me what they are here for, and what their missions are.

Yes, every Angel has an individual mission, but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about right now as I address the more general question: What is the job of Incarnated Angels at this particular time in His-story?

AngelsGuideThroughStorms-AngelReadingsByZARAGenerally, through prayer and meditation, we are here to be open to Truth, to stay calm through the transitional period from one Age to another, and then to guide others to Truth, calmness and faith in God through the coming storm.

So a storm is coming, you say?

Yes.  It definitely is.  And why is that?

For one thing, people have fallen away from God so much that they’ve all but completely destroyed the family.

That in and of itself is enough to have weakened our society to the point where we, as a people, have lost our way and have thus created a very unstable condition where bad things will inevitably happen.  It’s too chaotic, and chaos cannot last.  We have to get back to the basic principles of love of God, country and family in order for humanity to survive.

As Angels incarnate as humans, most of us are aware that massive destruction has taken place. We see that the ramifications of our society losing the basic foundation of family, (which humans require in order to thrive), is hurting humanity.

Since the main reason we, as Incarnated Angels, are here is to help God help humans to be inspired to goodness and rightful self-expression. We are very sad as we watch the destruction.

But do not despair.  God’s Will will be done, and things will improve.  It’s just a matter of getting through this time period with faith in God, and to do our best to help others remain calm and stable as well.

Incarnated Angels are humans as much as anybody else is, and we, ourselves may have fallen into confusion over the years. But now, as everything is falling apart so apparently, we are now waking up to the fact that humanity has to come back to a deep abiding love and honoring of God, or humanity will be lost.

The way things are now is unsustainable, and most of us know that.

FaithfulPrayer-AngelReadingsByZARAAgain, as I alluded to before, we Incarnated Angels have the job of helping to guide humanity back into stability. So we ourselves, need to pray unceasingly while things are tough. We need to anchor ourselves in God as much as possible. We need to stay humble and full of faith, and do our best to guide others to do the same.

Despite the difficulties you, yourself are going through now, just realize that we really are heading into a glorious period of love and peace on earth unlike anything we’ve ever known before. This is because we’re now not only heading into the Age of Aquarius, an air sign during which “All lies will be revealed”,

Luke 12:2

For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, neither anything secret that will not be known.”

But in addition,  we’re also heading into the New Earth, the 5th Dimension, and an all around interesting and fulfilling time ahead.

Have faith!

Love and Blessings,


Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.

About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me on Google+
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