How I Receive Angelic Messages
I am very aware that not all is well in the universe, and I am totally committed to working only with the side of Good.
Back in 1996, when Archangel Michael made his first appearance, during a Psychic Angel Reading with a client, I knew very little about him, and had not been expecting his appearance at all.
Fortunately, the client who I was with at the time was also psychic, and we both perceived his presence. Her recognition, and not just mine alone, was very validating to me, because Jill, (a pseudonym), actually verbalized an awareness of Archangel Michael’s presence, even before I mentioned it. This helped me to know that what I was perceiving was real.
Archangel Michael told me he was working with me in my Psychic Angel Readings and had been doing so for quite some time, and told me he had chosen me to be his medium. I was surprised and honored. Both Jill and I received the messages he brought me and we talked about it. During her Angel Reading, the room became very bright, as we both received messages through me from Archangel Michael. He said that Jill would also be working with him in the future, but in a completely different capacity than me–not through doing psychic readings.
Jill and I were both deeply touched and in the next few months, while we stayed connected, we remembered and discussed the divine experience we had witnessed.
My beginning as a Professional Psychic Angel Reader:
My first location for doing professional “Psychic Angel Readings” was a premium metaphysical bookstore located in Bellevue, Washington. When I met the people who ran the shop who, of course, had never heard of “Angel Readings” before, (since Angel Readings, as far as I know, did not exist before then). They invited me to give them a “test run” to determine whether they wanted to bring me on-board as an in-house Psychic Reader. The appointment got scheduled and in June of 1996, I provided a “test run” for Lila (a pseudonym), a top decision maker for their store.
Not giving me any hints about her life and circumstances before the Psychic Angel Reading began, she was amazed when everything I channeled during her reading was exactly correct. She indicated her surprise by saying the following to me,
I did not have to tell you anything, yet everything you said about me was spot-on. You’re amazing! How do you do that?”
Personal Angel Messages
In fact, the words and spot-on Angelic Messages she received during her Psychic Angel Reading touched her so deeply, tears came to her eyes. She told me that she especially liked the way I did her reading (the format), and although she’d had many Psychic Readings in the past, my Angel Reading was unique.
During her Angel Reading, I gave her messages about her soul, her life purpose, and the challenges she was currently facing in her life.
Here’s a brief outline concerning the format I used for Lila’s first Angel Reading with ZARA:
The Angels and I offered her practical, pragmatic solutions for each topic discussed.
The Angels and I gave her an “energetic clearing”, helping to clear her issues so that even problems which formerly seemed insurmountable could be reasonably addressed, tackled, and sometimes overcome.
After starting with a prayer, clearing out negative entities, then,..Messages From the Angels within the Angel Reading for Lila began coming through. Soon, the Angelic Messages that came forth about who she was on the deepest level of her soul, the kinds of problems she was dealing with that she had not shared with me, and the incredible accuracy that was undeniable to her, had Lila in tears. She felt understood, loved, and appreciated by the Angels, who, in addition to describing her accurately through my mediumship, also aided me in doing an “energetic clearing” for Lila, as well as coaching her with the aid of incredible insight from the Angels and me.
If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, and you would like the Angels’ and my guidance and help, go to my “Schedule Your Session” page, and contact me.
Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.
We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or receive guidance for a happier more meaningful life.
Please call me at: (425) 741-9752