The Beginning Of Angel Readings
“It is impossible to serve God without serving one another.” – Alistair Begg
I have always wanted to help and serve people. In fact, the avowed mission of my life was to help make this world a better place. To this end, when I was in my 40’s, I became the first-ever Angel Reader.
How did this happen? What were the influences that inspired me to pioneer something so special and profound—something that has helped so many and has even saved so many lives?
My mom was a big influence on me…
She was a woman of enormous integrity who meant what she said and said what she meant. She believed in goodness and truth; and her children, (of which I was the youngest) knew that they’d better stay in line with the core principles she taught. There were no alternatives from being good decent people.
My mom did not put up with anything less than good behavior, and kindness and consideration for others was at the top of the list.
I was very close to her, and for this reason, my values and my framework of life emanated from the example she gave of doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do.
She herself had had a very tough life. But when I was about seven years old, she discovered yoga which drastically changed her life for the better. My Aunt Jo told her about it and gave her a book called, Yoga and Health, by Yesudian and Haich. From this, she learned how to do hatha yoga, and taught me the same.
Learning yoga blessed my life…
Practicing yoga helped her life, and it helped mine too. In fact, it set me on a path in which I knew how to meditate and stay calm during the most trying situations I went through.
In fact, I was able to go very deep in my relationship with God, and when things in my life got really tough, I was given a dream that changed me forever. It led me into my life as an Angel Reader who listens to the Angels of God and, within the context of readings, passes these messages on to others.
Flying with Angels…
I have written before about my experience of flying with Angels, which relates to the above, but briefly, I’ll recount it here:
I dreamed that I was flying through what seemed like another dimension, when I suddenly realized someone was holding my left hand. I looked over to see who it was and was stunned to see a huge Seraphim flying next to me. He was taking me somewhere.
Then, as I continued on my flight, I realized someone was holding my right hand as well. As I looked over, I was stunned even further that on my right side was another Seraphim Angel!
Both of them looked incredibly serious and obviously meant business. I instantly knew I was being directed by both of these Angels of God into something important. I didn’t know exactly what that would look like, but I knew to just go forward and have faith.
Without going over all the changes that occurred in my personal life between the time of my dream and the time when I did my first Angel Reading, what I really want to share is that the path of helping people through messages from Angels was guided by them. It did not come from me. It came from them—the beautiful, glorious Angels of God. That’s why my path of doing Angel Readings opened up so nicely. It was directed by them.
My Angel readings…
Again, for those who may not know: What are my Angel Readings like?
First, I say a prayer and clear out any and all negative entities so we are just working with good Angels and God. Then messages come through about who you are according to the Angels and what they want to tell you. You can then ask questions and get answers that make sense and help you in both your understanding about things and the decisions you make.
The Angel Readings also include clearings of negative energies that have been blocking you, thus leading you to greater happiness and success.
So that’s how and why I became an Angel Reader…Essentially, I was prepared from my early childhood by God and his Angels. And when I was ready, God opened up my life in such a way as would be tremendously helpful to others.
In this way, and through doing my small part to inspire others to get healed so they can do their part as well, the world itself may be just a little bit better than it would be without our help.
Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.
We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.
Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.