Finding Life Purpose Part 2

How to Find and Live Your Life’s Purpose – Part 2

SeaarchForLifePurpose-AngelReadingsByZARAIn my previous article, How to Find Your Purpose,  I talked about how each one of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is very important.  I also began laying out 3 of the 4 steps that will help you find it.

Today, I’d like to talk about the last, but definitely not the least important of the four steps. In fact, you can accomplish all the other steps, but if you don’t complete step #4, all that you have done previously is for naught, which is why I wanted to talk about and emphasize this step in a separate article.

The fourth step, begin implementing your purpose…make a plan. 

PathToYourPurpose-AngelReadingsByZARAAfter your purpose makes its way to your conscious mind through the steps outlined in the previous blog post, you will need to make a practical plan so that you can implement your purpose…create your path.

This will include:

  • a mission statement
  • a goal list
  • a clear outline as to how you intend to achieve each goal

When this is written out, you will understand who you are, what you are here to accomplish, and you will begin to formulate a clear idea of what it will take to succeed.

Getting into Action… 

Getting into action requires work, but it is fun.

With your purpose clearly in mind and understood, and the steps of how to accomplish it clearly defined, you will feel happy, excited, purposeful and motivated. At that point you will know where you are going, and how you will get there. Your life will take on more meaning than ever before. Your optimism will grow and you will notice that minor setbacks no longer deter you. Instead, you will see these minor setbacks as helpful information that can help you see what to avoid, and will also bring you much closer to the answers you have been looking for. You will feel happy and energetic, and you will love it.

The most important thing you can do in your life is to find your purpose and pursue it.

LifeIsAJourney-AngelReadingsByZARALife is a journey, and getting involved by energetically “going for it”, by finding and accomplishing your purpose is the best way to feel happy, fulfilled, and spiritually in your center.

There is so much work that needs to be done on earth to make this a better place. Finding your part and helping to solve problems and replace them with wonderful, newly creative methods of enlightenment will not only help you, it will help the world, and will be pleasing to Spirit.

My messages from the Angels can help you achieve spiritual and financial prosperity. As a Channel chosen by Archangel Michael, I use Direct Channeling of Angels, Therapeutic Counseling, Past-Life Regression and, for deep relaxation, Crystal & Sound Healing. I also offer Spiritual Counselor Certification and classes in Pendulum Training.

ZARAAngel.AngelReadingsByZARApngThrough Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness, no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or receive guidance for a happier more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me, and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.

Please Contact Me and call me at: (425) 741-9752

About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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