Demons on Earth

Are There Demons on Earth?

This is our 3rd and final article in the series of an Interview with ZARA that first appeared in the Blue Star Gazette in December 2001 by Jai Reed.

The first article discussed: “Can People See Angels?”

The second article discussed: “How Many Types of Angels are There?” 

Fallen Angels are Demons - Angel Readings by ZARAJai: If there are different types of angels, are there different types of demons?

ZARA: Demons are beings that were once angels, but who rebelled against God.  They then came to be called ‘fallen angels’, otherwise known as demons. In the Angel Readings I do, the good angels and I clear many negative effects the demons have caused in the people’s lives, and this “clearing” helps the clients to understand more of what actually happened to them, and often, to feel much better than they did before. In my work, I specialize in helping my clients get free from both incarnated demons and otherworldly demons, and, in the Angel Readings, I explain what all this means, and how the client can proceed from there.

Jai: Are there demons on earth?

ZARA: Some demons, “fallen angels” have incarnated as sociopaths.  Some of the demon/sociopaths know they are demons. Others may not be sure; but whether they consciously know or not, they are mean and destructive individuals.These people cause as many problems as they can in people’s lives, especially in the lives of Incarnated Angels and angelically inclined humans.

Jai: How can people recognize the effects of the ‘dark-side’ in their lives?

ZARA: The dark force individuals like to attack, while at the same time convincing the person attacked they themselves are the cause of the very problems the dark forces are purposely causing. In other words, they use dark psychology to confuse people and render people powerless.

The dark-side specializes in causing confusion, upsetness, and frustration.   Sometimes, when you have tried for a very long time to create something wonderful in your life–like success with family, success in business, happy relationships, health, etc., but despite all of your efforts, success eludes you, the dark forces may be purposely blocking your success.

Clear Negativity in Akashic Records - Angel Readings by ZARAIf you have consistently chosen the side of the Goodness, yet things have gone especially badly for you, chances are you are under a dark-side attack, and you would benefit from Angel Readings with me. The Readings and Clearings we do together will then help offset the dark attacks and help you achieve the positive results you’d really like in your life.

Jai: How do angels protect us?

ZARA: Each of us has the power and the ability to turn to God and ask the good angels for help. As long as we are sincere and have love in our hearts, the angels will respond with love, guidance and protection.

Jai: How can we learn to protect ourselves?

Crystals for Angel Protection - ZARAZARA: It is important to call on God and angels for guidance and protection.  Keeping in contact with God and good angels through regular prayer and meditation is the most effective way to do this. I’ve found that carrying certain crystals can make it easier for the angels to protect you. Some of the best crystals for this purpose are black tourmaline within clear quartz, clear quartz, amethyst and turquoise.

Jai: Why do you think there is so much interest in angels?

ZARA: The reason angels have become increasingly popular is because the subtle energy around the earth has been shifting towards the positive. Although extremely negative actions are still taking place on earth, the positive energy is becoming more prevalent, and this is helping many to become aware of the presence of angels.

As this shift is occurring, many previously ordinary people are becoming intuitive, and more people are having experiences of good angels. Others are receiving guidance from good angels without even realizing that the angels are influencing and helping them in many ways. With all this going on, people are consciously and subconsciously being drawn to the angels.

Jai: How can we learn to work with angels on our own?

ZARA: The best way to learn to work with good angels is to love all of the gifts Spirit has given you without exception. This attitude will bring you into the same vibration as the angels–the energy of appreciation and love. Then, go ahead and notice the vibrations around you.  You just might be surrounded by beautiful, loving angels.

About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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