How We Can Cope With The Changes Of Life
“Life can be circular at times. Sometimes we are up. Other times we are down. And sometimes it feels like we are just merely going in circles.” – Joseph Smith
One thing it’s important to notice, as each of us go through our lives, is that life is a series of changes. By that, I mean, nothing good or bad in our lives remains constant. This is the lesson that all the great sages who have walked the earth have realized, and it’s important for each of us to learn that as well.
In other words, you can never count on anything in this life to last forever, which is exactly why we need God and the good Angels to guide us through. This is because while it is true that nothing in this temporal world lasts forever. Nevertheless, God and his messengers, the Angels, do—and fortunately, they’re always here to help us.
I have witnessed so many people facing huge difficulties in their lives in the current time we’re living through like no time before. It all became more challenging after the whole world was shut down in 2020. It brought about a seismic shift.
The people who are intuitively led to have sessions with the Angels and I, in the Angel Readings I offer, are very blessed. This is because the Angels, through my mediumship, are able to give people clear messages that help them understand the deepest levels of whatever they’re dealing with in life. Fortunately, and seemingly miraculously, that level of understanding, as well as the Clearings the Angels and I do, helps those who come to me deal much effectively with whatever they’re going through at the time.
The changes is life…
But again, back to the point I was making about life being a series of changes…We start out as children, which, if you recall, felt like it would go on forever.
When I was a teen-ager, I remember thinking about the month and year I would graduate from high school. At the time I was thinking about it, it seemed like that time would never come. It seemed so far away! This was because I felt very trapped by high school. I didn’t like having to get up early, and having to do homework when I got home from school. Don’t get me wrong. High School wasn’t horrible, but to a large degree, it seemed kind of dreary and I just wanted out.
But, of course, high school was not a permanent situation, because, as I’m pointing out in this article, nothing is permanent and everything changes. Yet, even though I didn’t really like high school, I cried on the day I graduated. Why? Because I realized that that day was the end of an era, and my life was now changing forever.
That day, of graduating from high school, was long ago. As I said before, nothing lasts forever. Everything changes.
Then I got married. Then I had children. And several years later, even though I had projected my life quite differently, I got a divorce. I hate to admit it, because that part seems like failure, but honestly, there were certain factors involved that made it necessary. So that’s what I did.
Then, I went through another segment of my life that, for the most part, was enormously happy.
And then, many years later, things changed again.
What was consistent through all of my experiences and through all of my life?
You guessed it! God and the Angels.
I would like to share with everyone reading this article that it is the spiritual part of your life that is by far the most important aspect.
Finding God through prayer, meditation, and connecting with the messengers of God, called the Angels, is the way you can do that. The Angel Readings I give can help as well.
And then, most importantly, there’s Jesus…
I had a dream once where I was walking up a hill towards him. He held out his arms to me, fully accepting me as his own. I’ll never forget that moment. Even though I wasn’t formally raised in any religion, my loving, excellent mom did teach me to love and honor the teachings of Jesus. And although not perfectly, I have always been so highly influenced by his teachings, (outlined in the red letter version of the Bible that I was given when I was twelve), that even when I veered a little from the principles he spoke of, I always came back. I never veered too far south.
In your life, when you think about it, are you aware that life keeps changing no matter what you do? Sometimes things are going well, and then they change. Sometimes things are going badly, and then they change.
Nothing is permanent.
Why? Because, as the Angels have made abundantly clear to me, all of our lives, all of our experiences—both as individuals and as a collective—is really God’s dream. And we are dreaming too.
When we “die” we wake up from the dream of this life and find ourselves in the heavenly arms of God. We go through a life review, and at that time, we see very clearly when we were on the right path, and when we messed up.
The point of life is to wake up to the truth of God and true spirituality before we pass from this life. If you keep in your mind that this is the truth and is by far the most important thing to remember, you will make far fewer mistakes, and your life review will go better.
The Angel Readings and Counseling the Angels and I offer can help you immensely in this endeavor.
Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.
We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.
Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.