Schedule Your Session
Phone, Skype, Zoom, Go-To-Meeting or in Person
As your session is the same whether you are here in person, over Skype, Zoom, Go-to-Meeting or on the phone, you can choose how you want your session with me.
All my sessions are by appointment only. Same day appointments are sometimes available, but it’s rare. The way to find out if a is a same day appointment is available is to call me and fill out the Scheduling Request Form below. Remember to press the submit button.
Scroll down to find the Scheduling Request Form and the PayPal Buttons
Please note that I do not answer the phone if I’m already in a session with someone. I will call you back as soon as reasonably possible so we can get you scheduled.
Just as I won’t interrupt anyone else’s session to answer your call, I will never interrupt your session to answer anyone else’s phone call.
My partner, Michael Gershman RN, BCH, has been with me for 15 years and is fully authorized to schedule my sessions.
If you call and you get my voice-mail, please leave a message so I can call you back.
It’s important to say your name and phone number slowly and clearly.
Email ZARA with this form
After filling out this form –
Call ZARA at 425.741.9752 or her landline 360.289.1473
Please also tell me the purpose of your call and whatever else you think I might need to know. Both my voice-mail and my email are private and no-one else will hear or read the messages.
If you email your request for a session, it is important to include your name, phone number, and contact information in the e-mail.
Please also suggest several possible times for our session. This will increase the likelihood that one of those times is available.
When you call, please have your appointment book or calendar with you, so our session can be scheduled in and immediately written down.
I will ask your name and basic contact information for my records. Your name is so I can schedule your session and so I can prepare for your appointment numerologically.
Your birthday (optional) allows me to inform myself about you through both Vedic and Western Astrology.
Your phone number is so I can confirm the appointment with you & make reminder calls.
Your email address is so we have another option for keeping in touch with each other.
Many people also want email confirmation of appointments.
I will also ask how you intend to pay and how much time you want to schedule for.
PayPal is fast and convenient.
If you want to use PayPal – scroll down to find the PayPal buttons below.
If you intend to use either MasterCard or Visa over the phone, I will get all the information I need just prior to starting the session. In addition to the card number, I will ask for the credit card billing address and the 3 numbers on the back of the card. This is information I am required to get to accept credit-cards over the phone.
If you intend to mail me a personal check or money order, you need to mail it in time for me to receive it prior to the appointment.
Cash works fine in person, though I don’t recommend mailing it, of course.
I accept US & Canadian Dollars, also the Euro at whatever the current posted rates are.
Your address also lets me know what time zone you are in and whether I need to take this into account when scheduling you. If you are outside the US, please tell me.
I’m in Washington State, Pacific Time zone, USA.
The East Coast is three hours ahead of me.
1 pm East Coast Time = 10 am Pacific Time
5 pm East Coast Time = 2 pm Pacific Time
10 pm East Coast Time = 7 pm Pacific Time
Outside the USA? Skype is a popular world-wide computer video conferencing system. It is FREE to download and both FREE & easy to use.
I routinely ask how you found out about me. Whether a friend referred you, you saw an ad, or an article I had published, or you found me on the web. If you found me by searching Google, I’ll ask what words or phrase you were using.
I’ll probably ask how you liked my website.
Then I’ll confirm the time and day of your appointment with you again, making sure we both have the same thing written down.
I will routinely recommend you subscribe to “Victory of the Angels”, my FREE monthly newsletter with articles I’ve had published, excerpts of chapters from the books I’m writing and information about upcoming classes and webinars.
Your receiving “Victory of the Angels” also enters you into a MONTHLY DRAWING for a FREE 30 minute Angel Reading.
On the day of your appointment, you may want to prepare by:
- have a small meal ahead of time so you’re not hungry
- go to the bathroom ahead of our appointment time
- meditate for 5 or 10 minutes
- have a glass of water with you
- turn off all other phones and pagers
- get children and pets out of the room
If you are in the US, I can call you back from my phone in order to save you any extra long distance phone charges. If you are outside the US, I recommend Skype.
I understand about traffic.
It’s worse than it use to be, so you have to prepare and plan to be here ten to fifteen minutes early in order to just be on time.
There will always be plenty of free parking, so if you get here early, please feel free to sit in your car relaxing, reading, meditating, until your scheduled appointment time.
At the appointment time you are, of course, invited to come inside, use the restroom, get a glass of cold water or a cup of tea, and then we’ll get started.
Did I answer all your questions?
Your next step is to either call me at 425.741.9752 or to contact me through the Scheduling Request form above.
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