Call ZARA at 425.741.9752 or her landline 360.289.1473


The Angels are here to help you. Only when you open yourself to receive their messages can you fully receive their help and guidance.


Questions For ZARA

Questions For ZARA Angel And Her Answers

ZARAAngelReaderAngels live among us. Sometimes they hide their wings, but there is no disguising the peace and hope they bring.” – Author Unknown


There are probably many questions that you would like to ask ZARA, but have never, or may never have the chance.

These are some questions and answers that were asked of her during an interview.

They might give you the understanding you are looking for.

Questions for ZARA:

How old were you when you first became aware of angels?

I was blessed by a visit from the Angels when I was only nine years old. There had been a tragedy in the family and I was very traumatized. That night, I saw the Angels floating above my bed. They had come to comfort me.

How did you learn to work with them?

After twenty years of daily meditation and yoga practice, my higher abilities opened up. I always loved the Angels, but I never thought I would work with them. I was very surprised when Archangel Michael contacted me to let me know he was working with me…I happened to be right in the middle of a reading.  I have always felt wonderfully fortunate and blessed.

How does having this gift change your life?

I have always felt completely comfortable with the gift that Spirit and the Angels have given me.

AngelsChangeLives-AngelReadingsByZARAI know that I was born to do the work I am doing. The feeling is so strong. My work is very shamanic. Meaning that I work in the physical and spiritual dimensions simultaneously, and the Angels help me to transmute a portion of the misunderstandings and suffering of others.

As the Angels have helped me develop this ability, I have acquired far more insight and understanding than I ever would have believed possible. Many things that used to be a mystery to me are now within my knowledge. My ability to deeply comprehend spirituality and the world around me has increased enormously.

How many types of angels are there?

There are many kinds of Angels. The Angels I work with primarily are Archangels. I also work with Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, Healing Angels, and Guardian Angels.

But those I work with most frequently are Archangel Michael, and Archangel Gabriel, and their feminine counterparts, Archii Faith and Archii Hope. The primary purpose of the Angels I work with is to serve Spirit by helping people to love Spirit outside themselves and within themselves.

The Angels use my mediumship to teach people to understand, love and forgive themselves. as well as others who have made for honest mistakes from the past. Then, after true forgiveness, people are far more ready to pursue their true spiritual purpose in life.

Are there Angels on earth?

There are hundreds of thousands of Incarnated Angels on earth. Many of these Incarnated Angels are attracted to my work. Often, when I am doing a reading, the Angels inform me that the person in front of me is actually one of these Incarnated Angels.

AllTypesOfIncarnatedAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAIt is very interesting to note that the Angels who are now incarnated as humans usually have no idea that they are really Angels. But when they find out they are really Angels, it makes many past situations and former mysteries in their lives fall into place. This greater understanding often brings these Incarnated Angels enormous relief.

Many Angels who are now incarnated as humans need a great deal of encouragement. The reason for this is because these individuals are usually very sensitive and often feel that they don’t quite belong here. They just don’t quite fit in with other people. Yet, when they realize they are actually Angels, their emotions are lifted, and they feel much better than before…it all begins to make sense.

Is there a way to know when an Angel has been around to help you?

Angels can make their presence known in several ways…

– Sometimes Angels manifest as sparks of light that flash once, and then quickly dissipate.

-Angels can also commune by making clicking sounds in your home or car.  Sounds that come in response to your  words or thoughts that confirm the last statement made or thought you had.

-For those who are clairvoyant, Angels can also appear visibly in the mind’s eye.

What  ways can the ‘dark side’ hurt people?

ArchangelMichaelFightsDarkSide-AngelReadingsByZARAArchangel Michael fights against the dark forces.

Many people think that dark forces do not exist. Unfortunately, they do exist.

Dark forces are very destructive in whatever way they can be. Their principle method of influencing people is to use dark-side devices to cause people to behave and think in ways that are counterproductive to their highest good. By doing this, they try to cause people to be angry and to fight with one another.

The dark forces also influence people to send bad energy to one another. This can be very destructive unless the person attacked is very highly protected, and/or gets cleared through Angelic help. (This is where my Readings and Clearings come in.)

If there are different types of Angels, are there different types of demons?

There are demons of various levels. Some are much worse than others. All of them try to do harm in whatever way they can.

Are there demons on earth?

Many demons have incarnated as humans. Some of them know they are demons, others do not.

The reason they are in a human body is because Spirit has given them another chance to redeem themselves. Unfortunately, most of them do not lift themselves out of old patterns. For this reason, they are often very mean and destructive individuals.

How can I recognize the effects of the ‘dark-side’ in my life?

ConfusionFromDarkSide-AngelReadingsByZARAThe dark forces like to attack, while at the same time convincing the one being attacked that they are the reason they are having a difficult time. The dark-side tries to cause confusion, anxiety, and frustration.

Sometimes after you have tried for a very long time to create something wonderful in your life, such as success with your family, in business, with happy relationships, good health, etc., but despite all of your efforts, success eludes you. The dark forces may be purposely blocking your success.

If you have consistently chosen the side of the Light for many years, yet things have gone especially wrong for you, chances are you are under a dark-side attack. You would benefit from a good Angelic clearing from me. This will help to offset the attack and help you finally achieve the positive results you are going for.

How do Angels protect us?

Each of us has the power and the ability to turn to the Light and ask the Angels for help. As long as we are sincere and have love in our hearts, the Angels will respond with love, guidance and protection.

How can we learn to protect ourselves?

CrystalProtection-AngelReadingsByZARAIt is important to be willing to call on Spirit and Angels for guidance and protection.

Keeping in contact with Spirit and the Angels through regular meditation is the most effective way to do this. Carrying certain crystals can make it easier for the Angels to protect you. Some of the best crystals for this purpose are black tourmaline within clear quartz, clear quartz, amethyst and turquoise.

Why do you think there is so much interest in Angels?

The reason Angels have become increasingly sought after is because the subtle energy around the earth has been shifting towards the positive. Although extremely negative actions are still taking place on this earth, the positive energy is becoming more prevalent. This is helping many to become aware of the presence of Angels.

As this shift is occurring, many previously ordinary people are becoming intuitive, and more people are having psychic experiences with Angels. Others are receiving guidance from the Angels without even realizing that the Angels are influencing and helping them in many ways. With all this going on, people are consciously and subconsciously being drawn to Angels.

How can we learn to work with Angels on our own?

The best way to learn to work with Angels is to love all of the gifts Spirit has given you without exception.

This attitude will bring you into the same vibration as the Angels, because the Angels are so appreciative of all of Spirit’s gifts. Then, go ahead and notice the vibrations around you.  You just might be surrounded by beautiful, loving Angels.

Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.




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